What is Trauma?
Anxiety and Stress Relief
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

PTSD Treated Successfully in 10 Sessions or Less
By Dawson Church, Contributor
Kaiser Permanente is one of the largest hospital systems in the US, taking care of more than 10 million patients each year.
Kaiser’s peer-reviewed publication, The Permanente Journal, recently published practice guidelines for using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with patients diagnosed with PTSD (Church, Stern et al., 2017).

Veterans Administration Approves EFT Treatment
By Dawson Church, Contributor
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been approved as a “generally safe” therapy by the US Veterans Administration (VA). After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, a group of experts in the VAs Integrative Health Coordinating Center published a statement approving EFT and several other complementary and integrative health (CIH) practices.